RESOLUTIONS- Persuading yourself to action for more money?

This blog is Part 1 of a Series. It will cover how:

1. Changing the way we think about us and our capacity to bring money into our lives is the first key agent to generate different results;

2. Learning the New Psychology of Making Money is key as the gig economy continues to expand;

3. Choosing the correct thoughts to hold, to create the results you want in your life.

4. Downloading your personal “new program/new app” will support you manifesting and seizing new opportunities coming your way. 

Several of my clients have significantly benefited from realizing and acting on what they think and do, consciously and unconsciously, and how it affects the results they get. They have clearly seen how those conscious and unconscious behaviors affect the amount of money they receive in exchange for the services and/or products they offer. I am now freely sharing with you some of my key experiences.

My intention if for you to benefit as well. READ ALONG IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN MORE MONEY AS WELL.

After having made and lost, made and lost, made and lost significant amounts of money, I decided to discover what helped me, on a consistent basis, recover and surpass the money I had lost before.  I chose to understand the NEW Psychology of Making Money; persuade myself to pursue a life filled with opportunities; and bring increasing amounts of money easier and grace-full.  Would you like these as well? If yes, continue reading!

Some money losses were involuntary - divorce, changing career, job loss due to companies sold, taken-over in corporate raids, and/or broken down and sold for profit. Some losses were due to bad decisions or not acting on opportunities presented because of doubts; concerns and self-image held. Have you experienced significant money loss as well?

I was able to bounce back. And after some time, my life quality, including income levels was better than before.  However, on reflection, I did not know, what did I do, to recreate success over and over again. I was unconsciously competent on the NEW Psychology of Making Money.

Are you frustrated because you want more in life and yet tolerating a lot less? ARE YOU READY TO PERSUADE AND SET YOURSELF FREE FROM SELF-MAINTAINED LIMITATIONS? Or are you going to continue arguing in support of what is keeping you down? THIS BLOG IS PART 1 OF A SERIES ON HOW “CHANGING THE WAY WE THINK, CHANGES THE WAY WE ACT AND THAT IN TURN, CHANGES THE AMOUNT OF MONEY” WE BRING AT OUR DISPOSAL ON A REGULAR BASIS. I will be sharing lessons learned, experiences, discoveries and effective actions in manifesting desired possibilities.

We are in a new economy where many rules are changing. The Gig Economy is here to stay and growing at an amazing rate; and the levels of turbulence we are experiencing are on the rise. Fine tuning these new skills is extremely important to live a life filled with opportunities; a life where we manifest our possibilities and dreams regardless of the situation, circumstance or environment we find ourselves in.

 The Gig Economy is an environment in which temporary positions are common and organizations contract with independent workers for short-term engagements. Today, an estimated 34% of the U.S. workforce are independent contractors, as opposed to the traditional 9-5 workers. This figure translates to about 4 million people, and predictions are that the figure will grow to as much as 7.7 million by 2020. The modern “dream job” is not our fathers’ or grandfathers’ workplace. We want flexibility; technology allows us to work anywhere and to have clients anywhere too; and as we already know, corporate employment is not secure. Whether we work full time, part time, contract/project work, or own our own business it is important to continue enhancing these new skills. We need to become better at persuading our minds regarding the psychology of money and our beliefs about money in order to constantly increase the money we are able to bring to us and our loved ones.

START WITH YOUR THE END IN MIND – To a Life Filled With Opportunities We Give Thanks!                                             

I discovered I did not have, nor did I want to have a close-intimate relationship with money. Money was a means to an end, and in my mind not worthy of my attention or devotion.  Money was the fruit of my endeavors as long as I did the best job possible.  I had a hidden-in-the-closet relationship with money.

I realized I was not clear on what I wanted to manifest and thus could not get there. I had grown up in structured environments where it was clear how to progress as a good student and as a good employee. I repeatedly experienced that better results translated into more money. Things are very different now. Good job results and/or good student marks do not necessarily translate into more money. Companies have found ways to pay as little as possible for services and products they receive, and consumers have learned to pay as little as possible for what they buy. This circle of “pay less for more received” continues.

NEW SCIENCE – down to quantum physics level- has highlighted that, contrary to appearances, solid matter is not solid after all.  Everything is in a permanent state of vibration, including our physical bodies. We also know that our overall personal state of vibration starts with the state of our mind, with the thoughts we hold, over and over again. These firmly “attached” thoughts, in turn affect our emotions, and that impacts how we respond.  Our very personal unique vibration greatly influences how we live, how we act and what we attract into our lives. More importantly, GOOD VIBRATION ATTRACTS GOOD RESULTS, GOOD BUSINESS AND A GOOD LIFE! WHAT IS YOUR VIBRATION AT THIS MOMENT?

To enhance our vibrations and be financially successful, the first thing we need is clarity of purpose and order in our mind -as declared by Loral Langemeier in her workshop “The Expression of Your Power”.  Take a few moments relax and let your imagination free. Build an image of the life you want to live in 2018. It doesn’t matter if you believe it is ridiculous, foolish, or unreal.  Ignore and let go of your inhibitions as useless extra weight, and let your deep desires manifest.

“Dream your painting so you can paint your dream” NOW

(from “The Expression of your Power”)

Every single thing we have in our planet started as an idea, a thought in someone’s mind!

And, like computer software, through life we gather spam-ware and add-ware and viruses that slow down our system. These spam-ware, add-ware and viruses is what we call negative beliefs.

Do you want to manifest your 2018 intentions easier and gracefully? If YES, uninstall and reinstall your inner apps and clear your system from anything that is blocking you from your best and from what you want to manifest in your life, including money.  Detox and eliminate the beliefs that are holding you back. And, download your new program, your new app to support you in manifesting and seizing the new opportunities coming your way.

Change your way of thinking and observe your life changing to match that.

As the famous writer Emerson said, “what goes inside shows up on the outside”.


From: “A simplified Life” by Emily Ley  

De-clutter Distractions

Take inventory, rigorously eliminate distractions, remove the unnecessary and pare down to what truly matters in support of increasing the money coming into your life.

Put Tools In Place

Set up accountability, systems, resources and support that will keep you on track.

Establish Routines That Work

Look for alignment of your life components eliminating competition for time and attention.


Would you like to identify what is cluttering your mind? THEN please complete the exercise below.

1.    Write “YES” next to each of the statements below, to indicate you actually want more of that.

2.    As you are going through them, observe and acknowledge the thoughts and the emotions you experience in considering each statement.            

Would you like to KNOW:                                                         

·         The universe blesses you with great abundance now?

·         What is to attract abundance and wealth like a magnet, easily and gracefully?

·         What is to be easily led to the abundance you desire?

·         That all you have to do is ask for that abundance and allow it in?

·         That more is coming to you easily now and you deserve it when it shows up?

·         That people with money are not evil?                                                                            

·         That you can have money and live in integrity?

·         That you are successful?

·         That you can have a lot of money and be loved?

·         What it feels like to be productive?

·         You make smart choices?

·         The smart choice can also be the kind choice for everyone involved?

·         You can have a lot of money and still be liked, with no judgments?

·         That solutions come easily and at low cost to you?

·         What is to be confident?

·         That you have a good business sense?

·         That you are a wealthy and successful business person?

·         That you NOW have the resources necessary to fulfill your life’s goals without stress and worry?

·         That you can be successful without a struggle or lessons involved?

·         You use your wealth and prosperity wisely?

·         You deserve happiness, abundance and prosperity no matter what?

·         You know how to generate income in many ways every day?

·         You deserve to live debt free right NOW?

·         You know how to earn more money easily, without any lessons, without any pain or guilt?

·         You always have enough money for all that you need and more? And that you deserve it?

Would you like to BELIEVE:

·         That everyone deserves to be wealthy including yourself?

·         That wealth and abundance comes to you naturally with no pressure or guilt?

·         That you have all the resources you need to be a multi-millionaire right now, if you so desire?

·         That ideas and inspirations come automatically to you?

·         That you can be doing what you love and following your passion? And that you deserve it?

·         That you can easily achieve your goals?

·         It is possible to simply ask and receive?

Would you like to FEEL:

·         To be open to the flow of abundance in all areas of your life?

·         What it feels like to release worry and fear?

·         That feeling, the joyful feeling generated by that abundance?

·         What it feels like to receive?

·         In every fiber of your being that money is flowing to you from expected and unexpected sources?

Would you like to DO:

·         Have consistent focus on abundance, therefore drawing it to you?

·         Respect your abilities and always work towards your fullest potential?

·         Expand your awareness of the abundance around you?


Manifest and seize new opportunities coming your way and increase the money in your life


1.       Select from the statements above the ones that resonate stronger inside of yo

2.       What are the new “I know”, “I believe”, “I feel” and “I do” that will support you moving towards attracting and seizing new opportunities that will bring YOU more money?

·         Go inside and choose to download these beliefs into your conscious, your subconscious  and your heart……

·         Relax and receive

·         Refresh and Reprogram Your Beliefs Regularly for your Highest Good

3.       If somebody was observing you, what would it look like when you exhibit those beliefs?

4.       What do you intend to do to practice them often during the next 35 days?



I have studied many of the experts in this area; checked they put in practice what they teach; and demonstrate the benefits they espouse. I was happy to discover that is indeed the case.  

I have experienced similar results myself as my thinking changed. I have become very deliberate regarding the thoughts I hold, and as a consequence, my external circumstances changed to match. Remember “what goes on in the inside shows up on the outside”- Emerson.

Identify yourself as someone who already has wealth and abundance. When you think of yourself, think of the images and feelings of a prosperous and wealthy person. And express your gratitude for the opportunities coming to you every day,

Remember that Money is always on the move and it is up to you to find ways for money to move towards you. Tap into the natural flow of money. Imagine in great detail a river of wealth that streams gently and naturally to you; a strong current, an unstoppable river of money following you wherever you go. Feel what that feels like. Practice experiencing everyday money flowing and flowing, pouring and pouring towards you.

As Loral Langemeier (Live Out Loud CEO, 5-Time New York Times Bestselling Author, Global Entrepreneurship Champion) expressed in her workshop “The Expression of Your Power”:

The success you will experience will be in direct proportion to:

1.       The definiteness of your vision

2.       The firmness of your purpose

3.       The steadfastness of your faith

4.       And the depth of your gratitude

We reject images of the life we could live, the life we would like because of our own self image. We don’t see ourselves as the marvelous and highest form of creation on the planet. In our ignorant state we suppress this powerful energy and continue with a life that lacks luster, interest, or a decent form of compensation. We take ourselves with us wherever we go; so, it is important we become successful with our inner self. We are just as deserving of financial abundance as anyone else.


Just because you believe something about yourself, doesn't make it true. But, there's a good chance that you'll make it come true in a subconscious manner. What you believe influences the way you interpret events, how you feel, and how you behave. And much of the time, those beliefs turn into self-fulfilling prophecies. For example, If you believe you are socially unsuccessful, you tend to avoid making personal contacts. The less you talk to people, the less likely you'll be to make social connections. The fewer friends you make, the more you'll believe you're incapable in this area and thus you will be reducing the number of opportunities showing up for you.

Remember; dedicate EVERY DAY time to dream your painting so you start painting your dream!

“It is your vibrational thoughts that give life to the goals you wish for”- Stephen Richards,


I write about money; financial successes in life and business; and my experiences as an executive.To build a more rewarding, successful financial life, visit:

And write to me at:

May I ask you for a favor?

I have researched and experienced the New Psychology of Money for many years.  I am now sharing my experiences freely on this blog. But this blog is brand new and few people know about it. If you like this article, please share it with your friends.

RESET YOUR FINANCIAL PATTERNS NOW!! Divorce Your Self-Limiting Beliefs and Marry Your Dreams Instead!

Success is often measured by the accomplishment of people that see their dreams realized. However, even more important is their ability to get past their excuses and self-limiting beliefs. When we are talking about money, these beliefs usually translate in patterns we experience throughout our lives.

I can often tell from the first contact with someone if they’ll be likely to succeed in their new entrepreneurial venture and career, or not.  How? By the nature of what they want to manifest for them, and how they set out to do it including their self awareness of unconscious biases and beliefs.   In this blog, I want to illustrate how you can go beyond all of these if you are open and ready to take action. One of my very especial client is a great example of going beyond fears -real or imagined-, beyond limiting beliefs and all kind of obstacles created by herself or others.

Using the analogy of the balloon – check Leslie's website– She has become a master practitioner of manifesting what she wants to create in her life. She masterfully focuses on mindfulness; choosing to drop every extra weight that drags her down in relation to the reality she wants to manifest. And, in addition to letting go of what does not work for her anymore, she is constantly looking for new and more potent ways to rise up to new heights. She is constantly looking to sore by manifesting in her life the “hot air that elevates her balloon”.  

What is the extra weight you are letting interfere with manifesting your wealth-dreams? What is the “hot air” that inspires you to action to build all the wealth you want in your life? What are your patterns you need and want to reset now?!

Setting meaningful financial goals  and daring to claim our most cherished dreams can be scary and anxiety-provoking. Unfortunately, our mind-thoughts are likely to respond to our emotions-fear by providing us with excuses that encourage us to give up before we start, that sabotage our efforts once we do begin, or that send us into an endless cycle of delaying action  by no action.

Accelerate your pace of success. Break up with what does not serve you and reduce the lag between your dream and your reality. Reset yourself by leveraging your mindfulness and align your thoughts, emotions and actions.

In my experience, what works is 100% conscious alignment between thoughts, emotions and actions that support the manifestation of that we want to create. THE ORDER IS IMPORTANT….EVERYTHING STARTS WITH A THOUGHT, THEN, AN EMOTION TO MATCH IT WILL ENERGIZE IT, AND THEN AN ACTION WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN IN REALITY…WHEN PRACTICED, MIRACLES OCCUR EVERY DAY.

Leslie is a great example of practicing all of this.  Dedicated to her Vision; day in and day out; she is sticking with her dream; doing her internal work to bring to her awareness whatever may have been blocking her and addressing IT by continue to refine her “Miracle Manifestation Triangle” – thought-emotion and action fully aligned.(@).

Use your “Conscious Reset”

Sometimes we accept our own illusion as reality. When it is self-limiting, is set in with the purpose of keeping us in place;  restrict us; hold us in check; put a brake; freeze, govern our behavior;  control us; prevent our growth; our expression and our wealth INCLUDING OUR FINANCIAL WEALTH! I am talking about the self limiting beliefs and excuses we allow to dictate our lives to avoid fear of: failing; being humiliated and/or looking bad. By the time we become adults, our self-limiting beliefs and favorite excuses become to fixated that often we may be unaware of them.

She continues to align what she wants to manifest in their 3 key ingredients, thoughts, emotions and actions. She remains “Listening and Open “  to learn what she needs to do about the world around her. She opens to her reality so the new reality she is looking to manifest will open to her in return. She has incorporated in her, the right and the DUTY to pursue happiness. Success fuels happiness and happiness fuels greater success. Her passion for her art and craft mastery has helped her to manifest more and more of her dreams and is fueling her confidence for the next round.

The beginning of Leslie’s “Arts Center….and more ” in her home town…

Leslie Heinze | Society6

Don’t let anything hold you back. The unknown can be scary but,

regretting what you did not do maybe worse.